Saturday, December 28, 2019

P G s Financial Performance - 1626 Words

PG’s financial ratios demonstrate similarity with industry average among short-term liabilities, negative working capital, and efficient use of assets to produce sales. However, there is disparity amidst PG and the industry average in the value created from leveraging long-term debt, managing assets, and their measures of profitability and performance. Furthermore, due to immense competition, and restructuring efforts to cut costs, the company has been blindsided with numerous product recalls. Nonetheless, although there are shortcomings in the company’s operations, and a difference in the capacity of earnings for PG compared to average earnings for the industry; overall, PG does not show immediate signs of financial vulnerability. Financial Stability and Performance Financial Statement and Ratio Analysis Upon examining PG’s financial ability to meet short-term obligations, it is apparent that not only have their current liabilities exceeded current assets over the last three years, but close to half of their current assets have been tied up in inventories and other illiquid assets. For example, assessing both the quick and current ratio shows that less than 70% of the firm’s quick assets could be converted immediately to pay current commitments, but a little more than 90% of the firm’s liabilities would ultimately be covered. Though, based on industry average similar findings occur; therefore, it must not be uncommon for industries akin to PG to haveShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing the 10 Year Stock Performance of PG and Pepsico1471 Words   |  6 PagesStock Performance of PG and PepsiCo This report will examine the stock performance of PepsiCo and PG over the past ten years and the factors that lead to this performance. Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations Proctor Gamble continue a lagging trend approach to continued long term success. This company holds on to one of the most diversified portfolios in their industry. They boast a product line that exceeds 250 different items. This company that has survived since the 1830 s has walkedRead MoreProcter And Gamble ( P G755 Words   |  4 PagesGamble (PG) and Colgate-Palmolive (C-P) are two of the largest consumer goods company in the world and have been in the industry since the 80s. The companies manufacture and market fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) such as household products, and personal care and hygiene, targeting at various segments of consumers. Among the brands carried by PG are Downy, Olay, Tide, Clairol and Bounty. Popular brands under C-P are Palmolive, Kleenex, Colgate, etc. In terms of financial performance both companiesRead MoreHow Technology Affects The Role And Function Of Ais1459 Words   |  6 Pageschanging business has much more data which needs to be analyzed than before. A dynamic AIS is important for today’s business especially large enterprises because it can help cut costs, control risks and better plan resources (Prasad, A. and Green, P. 2015, p. 124). Under this circumstance, technology plays an essential role on making AIS possible to response to internal and external business changes. This paper will critically discuss how technology affects the role and function of AIS. The structureRead MoreThe Timeliness Of Corporate Reporting : A Comparative Study Of South Asia1031 Words   |  5 Pages(1985). Dispersion of Financial Analysts Earnings Forecasts and the (Option Model) Implied Standard Deviations of Stock Returns. The Journal of Finance, 40(5), p.1353. [3] Alford, A. and Berger, P. (1999). A Simultaneous Equations Analysis of Forecast Accuracy, Analyst Following, and Trading Volume. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 14(3), pp.219–240. [4] Baker, H., Nofsinger, J. and Weaver, D. (2002). International Cross-Listing and Visibility. The Journal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisRead MoreProcter Gambler: Organisation1063 Words   |  5 Pagescharacterized by buyers with similar needs and wants.    PG originally operated in the US in the form of product division management in order to facilitate nationwide brands.    This management technique of individual operating divisions grouped employees around a certain product or a product line and gave managers more autonomy to work as separate â€Å"units† within the corporation, thus creating a competitive brand management system.    By the 1980’s, product categories changed, and required more differentiatedRead MoreCorporate Trends And Accounting Scandals946 Words   |  4 PagesBurns Baldvinsdottir (2007) suggest that the roles of a management accountant have indeed changed and in turn they have turned more into ‘hybrid accountants’ with their roles becoming more ‘exiting’ and ‘consulting-based’ (Burns, J. Baldvinsdottir, G. 2007). In this essay I intend to show that although key drivers such as globalisation, advances in technology, corporate trends and accounting scandals have cause a shift in the roles of management accountants, moving away from just ‘score-keepers’Read MoreMeasuring The Measuring Organization Development Interventions711 Words   |  3 Pagesattention to measuring impact and outcome (Cummings Molloy, 1977). It is argued that there are two types of measures assessing the effectiveness of OD interventions, one is attitudinal and perceptual measures, and the other is behaviour and performance measures (Cummings Worley, 2014). As can be seen from Figure 1, attitudinal measures can be divided into two subgroup: satisfaction attitudes and non-satisfaction attitudes (Neuman, Edwards and Raju, 1989; Porras Berg, 1978). However, the validityRead MoreImprovements in Supply Chain Performance Through Value Stream Workflows and Managing Supply Chains With Cycle Time Compression: A Comparative Analysis923 Words   |  4 PagesSupply Chain Management - A Guided Tour (Towill, 1996) the author contends that cycle time compression (CT), when coordinated with advanced production scheduling techniques incouding Just-In-Time (JIT) supply chain , can deliver signification financial performance gains for an enterprise. The authors also provide the foundational elements of the Demand-Driven Supply Network ( DDSN) that has been proven throughout industries that have exceptionally rapid lifecycles and inventory turns (Ashayeri, TuzkayaRead MoreSwot Analysis of PG1235 Words   |  5 PagesSWOT ANALYSIS OF P and G P and G is one of the largest consumer goods company in the world. It markets 300+ brands in more than 180 countries. P and G is engaged in diverse products like beauty, health, fabric, snacks and many more. P and G’s leading market position with its strong brand portfolio provides it with a significant competitive advantage. But there are lot of external factors like economic slowdown, environmental factors, etc which pose a threat to P and G’s progress. InternalRead MoreStrategic Management1308 Words   |  6 Pageschief elements of Krispy Kreme’s strategy? Was it working? 2. Identify and explain the key elements of their business model. 3. What does a SWOT analysis reveal about Krispy Kreme’s overall situation, including an evaluation of their financial performance? Do a comparative strengths and weaknesses assessment using McKinsey. 4. On the basis of your assessment above, what do you think of Krispy Kreme’s growth prospects? Just how good are they? 5. What major issues do you think that Krispy

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Never Ending Story - 1840 Words

The Never-Ending Story One Topic that left me confused, is the conversation about the many issues within the prison system. Particularly whether or not the prison system works and if we as a country are doing more harm than good. Subsequently we have an incarceration epidemic that would not only circumduct its prisoners, but also conceive new prisoners as a result of this cycle of incarceration. These effects are aided by laws like Mandatory Minimum Sentencing. Proponents of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, believe the laws are an effective deterrent against certain serious offenses such as drug and weapon crimes and sexual assault( A view that was stated by the General Assembly of Connecticut. Whom of which, were debating the law. This is just one of many examples of what is wrong with the justice system, in effect, would point to a direct impact on prison population and individuals being incarcerated. Senator Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, has introduced the â€Å"Justice Safet y Valve act of 2013. Intended to allow judges to stray away from mandatory minimum sentencing, which would as a product, subtract from the amount of individuals incarcerated. Nevertheless, it is the â€Å"how right or wrong â€Å"something is, that confuses me. With all that in mind, I believe a cycle is formed by laws like Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, as well as others making new and repeat guests to incarceration. It is especially important to realizeShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Ending A Never Ending Story1685 Words   |  7 PagesCampaign name: Ending a never-ending story. (Queensland) Executive Summary Situation Analysis and research Homelessness becomes a noteworthy matter in Australia in our time. Target publics People who suffering from homelessness and domestic/ family violence. Objectives (S.M.A.R.T): providing volunteer activities (April,2017), creating website ( early 2017) selling clothe at charity event ( every 3 weeks in 2017), recording documentary movie ( early 2017 ) Strategy: using both emotion and characterRead More The Never-ending Story: Sexual Orientation and Genetics Essay1065 Words   |  5 PagesThe Never-ending Story: Sexual Orientation and Genetics It is my observation that the average person gains insight into the nature vs. nurture debate when some particular human trait that is politically or socially volatile at the time is announced as having a specific genetic origin. This observation was confirmed when, in surfing the web, I came across an article entitled, Female Inner Ear Comes Out of the Closet (1). While reporting on a study published by a UT psychology professor whoRead MoreAmbiguity In Dubious Battle1544 Words   |  7 Pagesregarding the ambiguous nature of the characters themselves. For example, it is never clear who the protagonist is due to the vague nature of both Mac and Jim. Throughout the novel, both characters show signs as the â€Å"main character,† but this was never explicit. Furthermore, the uncertainty of the ending prompts this idea once again and furthers the overall meaning of the story. It provokes the idea that the novel was never truly about the dire situation of the crop workers, but ra ther a greater purposeRead MorePeople Often Say That Short Stories Are Incomplete, Completely1020 Words   |  5 PagesPeople often say that short stories are incomplete, completely vague and leave the reader wondering. So if the author gives the reader an incomplete ending, will the reader ever know what truly happened to the characters? Most likely the answer is no. The reader never finds out what the author`s intended ending will be. Writers like to leave the reader wondering. It s a part of what makes the story more interesting and fun. The authors themselves leave the reader to imagine what might happen nextRead MoreSuspense Short Stories1660 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many different stories that use suspense as an ending such as â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game,† by Richard Connell; â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† by Edgar Allan Poe; and â€Å"The Adventure of the Speckled Band,† by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, all of which are in the collection of short sto ries titled Characters in Conflict. All of these stories have a great use of suspense, especially in the ending, which is essential to a great story. Yet, many authors choose to have suspenseful endings instead of incorporatingRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Jerusalem s Lot And Children Of The Corn1546 Words   |  7 Pagespresent in his horrific stories. His chaotic childhood with economic struggles and estranged family transferred into his stories as well. (Discussion) The overbearing chaos and horror within his stories â€Å"Jerusalem’s Lot†and â€Å"Children of the Corn† originates from King’s personal experiences as described in On Writing. (Thesis) The unresolved conflicts of his stories resemble the problems in his childhood that were never fixed. He doesn’t skimp on pain and chaos in his stories as life didn’t hide painRead MoreThe Circuit Book Report1503 Words   |  7 PagesTrampita, Ruben, and Rorra. The basic situation is: the family has always wanted to move to California thinking that they will get a better life, but instead end up getting worse, and being taken by La migra. That is â€Å"The Circuit† exposition. The stories central problem is how they move a lot being illegal immigrants. They face many conflicts like when the baby gets ill and they do not have money for anything. Another conflict the family faces is the moving around. That is the conflict because heRead MoreEssay on Comparing the Two Versions of To Build a Fire1096 Words   |  5 PagesMagazine. Gilder, having just published To Build a Fire in his magazine, was worried when he came across another version published 6 years earlier. Londons explanation was that the first story was for boys and the new one was for men; the only similarity being the motif itself. Through careful analysis of the two stories, in light of this letter to Gilder, and another letter to Cloudesly Johns, it is apparent that although London claims no similarities (besides the motif), they definitely exist. nbsp;Read MoreThe Importance Of Life In Madeline Whittiers Everything, Everything915 Words   |  4 PagesIn Nicola Yoon’s new young adult story, Everything, Everything, Madeline Whittier is a young 18 year old woman who has never stepped foot outside of her home. Due to a rare sickness called SCID, or severe combined immunodeficiency, she is not allowed to breathe the outside air or interact with anyone that has not been properly sanitized. Having the same repetitive routine everyday has left her wondering what it would be like to live a normal life. This all changes when a new family moves in acrossRead MoreThe Bloody Chamber, By Angela Carter1386 Words   |  6 PagesAs a feminist, it is almost to be expected that many of Angela Carter’s happy ever after endings will strike the reader with a bold feminist message. However, in The Bloody Chamber, this is not necessarily the case. Although there are several feminist messages in the stories’ resolutions, these messages are not always presented in the way one would expect, and not every female protagonist is presented as a feminist character. By taking the roles of typically Gothic women and toying with the presentation

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dawes Act of 1887 free essay sample

Examines disastrous failure of law aimed at alloting land to improving lives of Native Americans. The land allotment program of the Dawes Act was a total failure in terms of improving conditions for Native Americans. The Dawes Severalty Act, also called the General Allotment Act, was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1887. The Act stipulated that Native Americans give up their tribal lands in return for individual land grants. Sponsored by Senator Henry Laurens Dawes, the Dawes Act was intended to promote the integration of the Indians into the homesteading way of life. The main effect of the Dawes Act, however, was to open up Indian territory to white settlers. As a land-rich tribe, the Sioux Nation was particularly vulnerable to changes in federal government land policy. Consequently, the Sioux lost a significant portion of their tribal lands as a result of the Dawes Act. The Dawes Act of 1887 was the most important piece of. We will write a custom essay sample on Dawes Act of 1887 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Pernet and Child Observation Essay Example For Students

Pernet and Child Observation Essay Ben Brown April 7, 2002 Report Child And Parent Behavior Observation I am almost always surrounded by the interactions between children and their parents. I hear it at my work, I hear it in restaurants, but most of all I hear it at my house. My mother owns a daycare and every night I listen parents being hit by a barrage of questions. When children are being picked up they always have a couple of questions for their parents. Children are always asking about the meal for the night or whether they can go over to a friends house or have some body over. Every night I see 12 different children with twelve different parents and it seems that each parent acts differently then the next. When I thought of observing the children that attend my mothers daycare I decide that I should observe the interactions between the daycares Problem Child and his mother. The boy that I chose to observe seemed to have no respect for anyone or anything. He often made obvious lies and played practical jokes that physically hurt the other children. On the Friday night that I observed him and his mother he was playing on the swing set out back when his mother arrived. His mother came through the front doors and headed out for the back porch. When she got on the porch she announced her arrival to her son and told him to hurry up. He completely ignored her and to my disbelief, his mother let him. She stayed on the back porch and waited another approximately five more minutes before asking her son to hurry up. He finally got off the swing and accompanied his mother inside my house. When they got into the house the boys mother reached into the bag that she was carrying and retrieved a hat that she had bought him earlier in the day. It was a fishermans cap. He gave the hat one look and decided that he didnt like it. Without a thank you he let his mother know his opinion. She seemed upset and almost hurt that he didnt like it and reassured him that they would go exchange the hat for another one the very next day. The child on the other hand had completely different plans and told his mother that he wanted to go that very night. She hesitated for a couple of seconds but eventually gave in to his requests. It was apparent that the mother did not want to go back into town to get another hat for her son but just gave into a childs commands for one reason or another. I believe that the mother had been conditioned by her love for her son and not by the childs actions. It seemed as though she was trying too hard to get the approval of her son and that it tinted her views in certain situations. I also believe that her sons attitude and behavior can be associated with the relationship that he and his mother share. It appeared that his lack of respect for his mother shone through to his lack of respect for people in general. Hopefully his negative attitude will go away with age. .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hrm Simulation Final Report Essay Example

Hrm Simulation Final Report Essay HRM Simulation Final Report Absenteeism Our goal for absenteeism was to decrease it from 498 to 120 by quarter 8 by maintaining high morale and offering health benefits to keep employees healthy. We also planned to keep our accident rate low in order to reduce absenteeism. We decided to focus the fringe benefits we offered on health benefits. We thought this strategy would work because we felt that absenteeism was caused by three factors: employee sick days (health), employee injury claims (accident rate), and willingness to come into work (morale). Although we did indeed maintain high employee morale, we could have offered more generous health benefits and safety and accident prevention training. Instead, we offered an additional vacation/personal/sick day to employees in quarter 1 which may have led to increased absenteeism. After quarter 8 our absenteeism was 283 days, the worst in the industry by a great deal. Our accident rate was also the worst, reinforcing our theory that the accident rate is tied to absenteeism. We had offered health insurance with lower deductibles, dental care and legal services, and term life insurance and eye care. We think that if we had offered a more generous health insurance plan along with a prescription drug plan, as well as invested more money into safety and accident prevention training, absenteeism would have been much lower. Accident Rate Our goal for the accident rate was to decrease it to 250 by allocating $12,000 per quarter to safety and accident prevention training. We ended the simulation with an accident rate of 211. We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm Simulation Final Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm Simulation Final Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm Simulation Final Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Although we exceeded our goal of 250, we still had the worst accident rate in the industry. We decided to increase spending on safety and accident prevention training because we wanted to ensure that our accident rate would drop and we felt that this training had the biggest influence on the accident rate. We also decided to maintain the orientation program for all 8 quarters in order further reduce the accident rate. However, it is clear that we didn’t spend enough on safety and accident prevention training. This is especially evident since we ended with the worst accident rate in the industry even after the final special incident informed us that our employee safety decision resulted in a further reduction in our accident rate. We couldn’t see any other factor that would have an effect on the accident rate so we attribute the outcome to a lack of spending on safety and accident prevention training. Grievances Our goal for grievances was to reduce them to 15 by the end of the 8th quarter by allocating money to grievance procedures. We achieved this goal by finishing the simulation with a grievance value of 14. This was the best grievance value in the industry and we believe that we achieved this because of a close relationship between grievances and employee morale. Since our morale was also the highest in the industry, we feel that this is indeed the case. Employees who have high morale will have less to complain about and employees who have little to complain about will have higher morale.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Animal Imagery in the Novel McTeague essays

Animal Imagery in the Novel McTeague essays The novel McTeague by Frank Norris emphasizes the very basic idea of greed and the animalistic effects that greed produces in the human race. The central characters of the novel come together in San Francisco during the Gold Rush Period. The novel revolves around a character known as McTeague, or affectionately known as Mac, an apprenticed dentist, and the movement his life takes. The novel begins with the young McTeague working in a mine and transcends through his life as a professional, his marriage, and his eventual death. Frank Norris narrator portrays the characters of the novel McTeague as animals masquerading in human clothing. The characters are a direct representation of the reprehensible side of humanity that lingers beneath the surface, waiting for the opportune time to shed its skin and manifest itself. Throughout the novel, the characters repeatedly battle their inner desire to break free from their human skin and be the true animal that Norris metaphorically portrays them to be. However, it is important to note that the real animals of the world continue to lead their lives far superior than their human counterparts. Animals seem to be above the pettiness that we humans engage in. They display honorable actions that escape the human species. The confrontation of the two dogs in the street and the cat, which runs away from the crime scene, go to confirm this declaration. The unvarying description of McTeague as being large in stature suggests that his character is animalistic and primitive. Norris portrayal of Mac as a king of beasts can be seen in the repetition of his insistent mumbling and grunts, and by the profession in which he works, one which causes considerable pain to his clients. He is very instinctual and cannot control his large body; he is only capable of performing monotonous tasks. His transformation begins during the treatment of his patient Trina. Mac, for the first time, ba...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Chronic Open-Angle Versus Acute Close-Angle Glaucoma Assignment

Chronic Open-Angle Versus Acute Close-Angle Glaucoma - Assignment Example Chronic open-angle glaucoma has been described as the most common in human. The occurrence of the condition has been linked to dysfunctional drainage channels that hinder the normal elimination of fluid from the eye (Simon & Zieve, 2012). Failure to remove fluids from the eye at a normal rate leads to increase in intraocular pressure (IOP). Symptoms of the conditions are mostly experiences at a later stage as the condition progresses. They include a gradual decrease of vision from the sides of the eye and decrease of straight ahead vision (Simon & Zieve, 2012). In the absence of treatment, blindness occurs to the affected individual. The assessment of this condition is mainly done by checking IOP using a procedure known as tonometry (Simon & Zieve, 2012). The other procedure of assessment is to measure cornea thickness to known about the progression of the condition. Another form of assessment is through checking the damage of the optic nerve using magnifying lens instrument. The tes t is also done in the visual field to understand the level of impairment. On the other hand, acute closed-angle glaucoma is a common problem in human. It occurs when the outer iris get in touch with the trabecular meshwork leading to temporary or permanent closure (Khondkaryan & Francis, 2013). There are various symptoms of the condition. They include blurred vision, painful red eye, headache, nausea, and sometimes vomiting (Khondkaryan & Francis, 2013). The assessment of the condition is done through various ways. First, there is an examination of visual acuity as it is mainly decreased after getting the condition. Secondly, the examination is done in the eye and may indicate red with a vascular blockage, corneal swelling, and dilated the unresponsive pupil (Khondkaryan & Francis, 2013). The examination is also done on IOP. The presence of the