Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Constitution Act Of 1982 - 1864 Words

The Constitution Act of 1982, or more commonly known as, â€Å"The Charter of Rights and Freedoms,† constitutionally entrenched fundamental civil liberties, which have protected Canadians from both federal and provincial legislative imposition. Since the Charter’s inception, however, Canada’s judiciary has been placed under great criticism and scrutiny due to the fact that the courts were believed to have been given legislative powers that rivaled both the federal and provincial legislatures. Through Judicial Review, the Supreme Court of Canada was given the task to interpret the charter since that wording of the legal document itself was vague enough to warrant interpretation, and hence, gave critics a reason to believe that supreme court justices have been the power to legislate without any political or public recourse. Unfortunately, as a result of these criticisms, various public notions, such as appointed and not duly elected Supreme Court justices with the ability to legislate, became the main focus in questioning whether the supreme court’s institutional functions were legitimate, and in tandem with the principles of a free and democratic society. Given, the misconceptions regarding the Canadian judiciary by both critics and the public alike, the purpose of this research is to investigate the functions, and criticisms surrounding the Canadian judiciary. The result of this investigation will provide a clear and informative argument that, Canada’s judiciary did not seizeShow MoreRelatedThe Canadian Constitution Act Of 19822150 Words   |  9 PagesTrudeau explained that the Constitution Act of 1982’s primary goal was to protect individual rights rather than collective rights. Furthermore, he thought territorially concentrated minorities should not be given special rights. 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